Ships chartered from Italy, Portugal and Sweden

About ships chartered from Italy, Portugal and Sweden

Sado and Pluto were chartered from Portugal. Teizan Maru was chartered from Sweden. The others were chartered from Itay. After Italy declares an armistice in September 1943, Italian ships were regarded as the enemy ships and detaind by the Japanese Navy.

Data of ships chartered from Italy, Portugal and Sweden

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History of ships chartered from Italy, Portugal and Sweden

Click each thumbnail! (Sorry Japanese version is only available.)

Teian Maru

Ataka Maru

Atoki Maru

Enkyo Maru

Haryu Maru

Konei Maru

Matsuo Maru

Teiyu Maru

Enkyo Maru



Teizan Maru


Photo Source:

  1. Teian Maru:"Agenzia Bozzo"
  2. Ataka MaruAEnkyo Maru: "WRECK SITE"
  3. Atoki Maru: "State Library of New South Wales"
  4. Haryu Maru: (Creator)Green, Allan C, (Collection)"State Library of Victoria"
  5. Konei Maru: "Bowling Green State University - Historical Corrections of the Great Lakes"
  6. Teiyu Maru: "Imperial Japanese Navy Page"
  7. Enkyo Maru: "Con la pelle appesa a un chiodo"
  8. SadoAPluto: Sea & Sky, Special issue "World Merchant Marine Directory"